Students should come to school dressed to learn. Inappropriate clothing includes:
- T-shirts with vulgar, drug, alcohol, or violence related sayings or pictures
- Loose fitting tank tops (“jersey” style may be worn only with a T-shirt underneath)
- Hats
- Short-shorts
- Crop tops
- Bare midriffs
- Spaghetti straps
- "Baggy” pants
Flip flops, sandals and open-toed shoes are highly discouraged as they pose an increased risk of injury, especially during recess times on the playground and PE classes.
Parents may be contacted to bring a change of clothing to school in the event that their child is inappropriately dressed.
Coats and hats are to be worn outside only. The only exception to this rule are Spirit Days as well as school sponsored, “Hat Day”. Please make sure your child’s clothing is warm enough as to not necessitate wearing a coat in the building. Students are expected to wear clothing, including tennis shoes, which permits full participation in all physical activities on P.E. days.