Students at Arlington Elementary have been showcasing their creativity and critical thinking through a unique, arts-centered learning experience. Over the past couple of months, second and fifth graders have worked alongside professional artist mentors to create powerful self-portraits, imaginative puppets, and personal narratives. These projects were developed in partnership with Arts Impact, an organization that supports teachers with arts-focused curriculum and teaching.
The second-grade class engaged in an arts-infused social emotional learning and math project, guided by the essential question, “How can we identify and safely express our own emotions while responding appropriately to others?” Students created puppets to act out real-life scenarios involving big emotions and learned strategies for managing them. They also created self-portraits, using mathematical measurements to ensure accurate facial proportions.
The fifth-grade project combined visual arts, STEM, social studies, and social-emotional learning, to focus on the question: “How can we represent ourselves and what we bring to our community?” Students analyzed self-portraits by various artists, and interpreted how these works express identity and belonging. They then researched the history of oppression in the U.S. and its effects on their community. They created self-portraits and wrote personal narratives that expressed their unique identities. Multiplication was key in scaling their portraits to ensure they retained the right proportions.
Through these projects, Arlington Elementary students not only honed their artistic talents but also developed academic and social skills. Way to go, Arlington Tigers!
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